Saturday, February 19, 2005

Tomorrow night I start night shift again...this time for an undetermined amount of time. I am expecting it to last at least 8 weeks. Just one of the downsides of being a military nurse...though Lindsey at Johns Hopkins goes back and forth more frequently than we do so maybe it isn't just a military thing. I am kinda excited about working nights cuz it's a more relaxed environment and calm...and no discharges which means less paperwork! But of course it's a change and so I have to get used to working with different nurses and different corpsmen. I am going to miss my Filipina friends on day shift!

Read these two articles first:
And then let me know what you think.

I think the idea was a good one. Why are the parents so upset over the idea? It keeps the students safe and the school itself. In some sense colleges do the same thing with ID students aren't tracked around campus but at CU anytime we went into Chuck's, chapel or our dorms it was recorded (as long as we scanned in of course!). I wish the ACLU would go bankrupt or something!


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