Friday, February 27, 2004

I finally saw The Passion tonight. I was disappointed I think because it didn't seem to quite measure up to the hype. I did think it was very well done. And it's nice to have a visual interpretation of a story I've heard and read many, many times. Whether everything was totally accurate is debatable but I felt like overall it followed the Biblical account pretty well. Of course Gibson had to add some stuff to make it flow but I don't think he added anything that I disagreed with. As for the was definitely violent but I don't think it was overly violent. I think it's hard to watch because of who it is receiving the beatings (at least who it represents) and because I know it really happened to Him. During the floggings I couldn't stop thinking "by His stripes we were healed" (I Peter 2:24). The movie makes a powerful statement- even more so with the resurrection (wish there would have been more!), and maybe at the least it will expose thousands to the Gospel including those who have never heard or cared before.


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