Friday, May 14, 2004

I just finished the biggest test of my life: the NCLEX. It took me just over an hour to complete so all the worrying and preparation that I did almost seems like a waste. I really didn't like the test...actually, I thought it was pretty simliar to many of our nursing tests and the HESI (most of which I didn't like :-)) ...there were only a few questions that I feel I really knew the answer to. The rest were educated/reasoned guesses. And I had 80 questions which kinda worries means that the computer couldn't tell if I was passing or failing when I reached 75 but then 5 questions later it basically if I did well on those 5 questions I probably passed but if I didn't then I probably failed. Great. Now I get to spend the next 4 days worrying about it until I am able to check my results online or call. *sigh* Too much stress!! Thanks for all your prayers!!

NCLEX test date update: Stef is taking hers on the 26th and Nikki will probably be taking hers next be praying for them!!


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