Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Mike has apparently taken the month (or so) off from blogging so this is the roommate (again). I will be writing for, if nothing else, my own amusement, because by this point all of Mike's readership has probably found some other site of interest such as this or this .

But we'll get back to those later. In the mean time, I will tell you what has been happening in the life of the ever elusive Michael. Mike has had a pristine record as a college student for almost four years. He has not gotten a demerit ever ! (Though we are plotting to change that. Any ideas for an exciting activity that would be both demeritable and exciting so that Mike can leave a legacy?) Anyway, all that came to the end less than a month before graduation when K. Michael, darling of the nursing department and Who's Who committees everywhere, found himself on the wrong side of the law. *Gasp!* Mike received two (yes, two!) parking citations and a severe financial penalties. The funniest part is that it wasn't even for his car and he had nothing to do with the violations! Now, speaking as both a concerned citizen and a justice on the highest de facto authority that exists at Cedarville University, the CU Student Court (yes, Cedarville does have a Student Court, believe it or not) this concerns me. Such injustic must be addressed!

In other news, Mike and i collected a total of 12 eggs during today's annual DAE Easter egg hunt. Yay for roommate bonding time!

So now that you've checked out the above websites and have a complete grasp on the issues, what do you think of the candidates? Anything about Kerry's platform that is appealing? And what should we do about the No Child Left Behind Act that all teachers seem to hate? Just some food for thought.

I've decided, in an effort to make this blog more user friendly, we are going to take a poll. What would you like to see discussed or disclosed? We will do our best to accomodate.

Thanks for reading and have a great day. :-)

-the roommate


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