Thursday, February 12, 2004

Clinicals yesterday wasn't as great as Tuesday but wasn't too bad. I was in the same place again but with a different nurse. The patients all had a variety of reasons for being in (eeg, bone marrow scan, I&D) and I wasn't able to do much with or for them. I did d/c a PIV (oh, that means I removed a peripheral IV) which is really nothing but at least it was more than reading vitals off a monitor! The most interesting part of the day was meeting a Filipina staff member and talking to her about the Philippines. She's been in the US since she graduated from high school which is longer than I've been alive but has been back to the Philippines quite frequently to visit family. I don't think I've ever been to her home island but she's been to Manila enough times (went to college at University of Santo Tomas for those familiar with Manila). It was just really cool to talk with her. I am sure I'll run across many more Filipinos while in the least I saw plenty of them when I was out in San Diego!!

I also discovered last night that I don't know that much about my friends' childhood but that it's so much fun to hear childhood memories and laugh together. I think "bonding" is becoming more important as we count down the 79 days to graduation!


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