I just don't know what to blog...how do people blog so often?
We're staying busy enough with work and getting settled. This is my final week on the PCU (telemetry [heart monitor] unit). It's been a good experience...I still wouldn't want to work there but it's been a good learning experience. Today and tomorrow we're in nursing orientation...ya think they would have us go through that right away but instead we do it a month after we check in. Go figure! But it's a nice break from the floor and they days are only 8 hours which is really nice.
As for our townhouse...we're pretty much settled in. I am sure we'll continue thinking of things that will make it more "homey" but all of our immediate "needs" are met for now. And micah and I are actually cooking meals and not just microwaving everything! :-) We've had Thai curry, spagetti, chili and potatoes among boring things like burgers and fries. :-) It's definitely nice having our own place but I do miss living on campus with all my friends.
Can anyone tell me what's up with OSU? 14-0 two seasons ago and now 3-3 with 2 losses in a row!! Ugh!! Maybe I should cheer for U0fM? Nah!! ;-)
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