Friday, November 19, 2004

We're no longer interns but now some ways I don't feel any different. But things have changed and we're now working on our assigned units and learning how we fit into the structure of that unit. Monday we learned that our schedule had been redone and so I no longer worked any nights this week. But I do work nights the next 2 weeks. This week I spent a day with the lactation consultant (you can imagine how much fun that was!) and a day with the ward clerk. Fortunately those days were only 8 hour days. Today I attend a neonatal resuscitation class. The class was a big joke! We flew through the material so fast that I didn't really learn a whole lot. I learned more by reading the book over the past few days then I did in class. I am fairly confident with the material as presented in class but would be scared to death if/when I have to do this in real life. But at least now I am somewhat prepared. And now I have the next 2 days off to prepare myself for nights...guess that means I get to stay up all night on Sunday night...not sure I can handle that. I've become little Kenny Jr. and have been in bed by 9:30 or 10pm most nights! :-)

oh...yesterday Micah and I went and picked up our cammies (required since we're part of the fleet hospital). We can wear them on Fridays which should be kinda least a break from khaki's. We actually don't have most of the uniform at the moment cuz they have to put our name, rank and insignia on it but we should have it soon. I not thrilled with the idea of ever going to the "Big Sandbox" to play but the cammies are kinda cool! :-)

And a shout out to Sarah and Eric...congratulations guys!! So when's the wedding? ;-)


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