Matt on J/S 2004:
I concur with Mike, the evening was most memorable! It turned out being more fun than we had even hoped, I think.
Of course Chrissy looked magnificent and even though she had been quite sick for the past 24 hours or so leading up to JS she gladly followed on the adventures of the evening and maintained a wonderfully positive attitude. She made the whole weekend for me. :-)
Seriously though, she was the perfect date. Now, I know Mike said that about Molly, so it kind of begs the question. Can there be more than one person who is the perfect date? Well, I guess so! Actually, it makes sense that since people (take, for example, Mike and myself) are different, our perfect dates will need to be different and so they can both be, in all legitimacy, the perfect date. (But mine was still lovelier) ;-).
Mike talked about the JS part of the evening, so I'll brush over that except to say that the jazz band was great! Good choice for the event, dancing or none.
Fact: there are scary people in Cinci.
Fact: we walked by a bunch of them.
Opinion: Mike and I together are intimidating and manly enough to deter any scary Cincinnati native that we might have encountered on our walk.
The king penguins weren't that boring. I mean, they spent most of their time standing in a group and looking pseudo-sophisticated or grooming, but occasionally they would wander--as a group-- to another part of the exhibit and continue their photo op posture. The coolest critters at the aquarium (other than the four of us, naturally) were the Four Eyes fish and the rainbow jelly fish.
Anyway, I'm exhausted. It was a great weekend. We had some quality roommate bonding time. Speaking of which, I am going to go enjoy sleeping in my own bed and not worry about stray knees. ;-)